We work in collaboration with various partners, for which our technology is a stepping stone to move forwards with their project.

What does working with us look like ?
Our dedicated team of engineers, designers and technicians will support you all along your journey, from support in setting up the project and identifying waste plastic sources, to product design specific to your context, down to long term support and maintenance services. We travel on site to make sure you have everything set to create a successful circular ecosystem.
We help you study the plastic waste sources, set up guidelines for production workshop and safety protocols, create a business model, and provide you with plastic identification kits.
Outcome You have a detailed project plan

We can provide you with polyfloss machines, but also shredders, washing stations, accessories, spare parts and everything you need for your waste plastic recycling facilities.

Outcome The machine and tools you need are built
and shipped.

We come to your place to install the machine, perform first tests, train the users and setup maintenance protocols.
Outcome Your recycling facility is fully fonctional

We can stay tuned and manage issues any machine could have, answer to your questions and ship new addons or spare parts to make sure you would not be stuck even after several years !

Outcome You have our ongoing support